Thursday 9 November 2017

How To Do SEO for Youtube Video?

YouTube  video popularity parameters are  views , subscribers , comments , through which  YouTube  users  can judge  how  well YouTube video is viral among  YouTube . An  Good  rank video encourage other users to watch your videos

YouTube ranking factors which affects ranking  of any YouTube Video
These factors are  which  users  follow  whiles go through  videos 

  • Flagging
  • Thumbnail
  • Title
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Views & frequency
  • Likes, dislikes
  • Subscribers
  • Favorites
  • Annotation linking

YouTube  is also an service from google  and  highly popular among video platforms than any other videos service providers , online videos ranking depends on several other factors   

Here are Some Tips which you can implement  to boost Up Ranking  of you youtube  video 

Image result for youtube video optimization

#Tip.1    Optimizing  Video Title

Video title is the one the most important factor which An youtube user read To know  about  video is about what  topic . so video title should be 
  • Under 50 characters
  • Precise to the content  of video
  • It should not Spam linked, or +18 content  type
  • Do branding +long tail keywords mix  
#Tip. 2   Thumbnail
thumbnail is the very first thing which an users see before playing  your video, sometimes users identify your videos through your videos thumbnail , An good quality Thumbnail attracts users and tend them to click on your thumbnail Icon 

  • Conveying the subject of the video content
  • Compelling the viewer to click-through to the video
  • Differentiating their brand
  • Making sure they are optimized for any device

custom thumbnails youtube
Try Action short like 
slow mo guys custom thumbnails

#Tip.3 Use Description Filed

Description is an summery about you video content , that gives an clear idea to viewers about video  content , that includes indtroduction, website refrence , steps  of  procedure , contact  numbers ,
social links etc.
Description should be unique  and users friendly an promotional content marked as spam for YouTube

  • Writing an informational video description is the best option. It is more likely to be searched for and returned by search engines like Google in regular search results. Write long and detailed descriptions with keywords.
  • Put the most important parts of your description up front  .
  • Keep your main keyword as close to the beginning of the description as possible.
  • Include more relevant keywords from your video that viewers may also search.

#Tip.4. Optimize with keywords

Keywords help your users to find out your relevant videos  through search box query , thinks according to common users mind set what  search phrases or key terms they will use to  find your video.

Your keywords are related to your video content  which helps users and as well as search engines to  categorized your video among other videos.

Certain phrases on Google display videos in the search results.

For example: If you search "fails" there will always be videos near the top.

This is because Google knows when you want to see a video and when you want to see an article. 

So before deciding your keywords, check the video results on Google's first page. If your keyword shows videos you will potentially rank on Google andmYouTube. 

video sitemap

# Tip.5 . Do Social Share 

Sharing your videos through different social sites , like Facebook, twitter , StumbleUpon, Digg, G+and others , increase visiblity of your video, means more people can see your videos.means more  views , likes subscribe to your video

# Tip 6. Build video sitemap 

Related image

Related imageSite map help search engines to identify  video content , through site map they can easily find category of video  in their coding language 

A video will rank well based on these variables:
  • High Retention (how long viewers watch your video)
  • Comments. More comments and interaction on your video is valuable for your rankings.
  • Subscribers. If someone subscribes to your channel during your video that is a big plus in the rankings!
  • Shares
  • Likes/Dislikes
  • Gets Added to Playlists

#Tip 7 video length

Image result for video annotations tips The longer you can keep users engaged the higher you will rank for SEO.

For example: If users watch a 10 minute video, that will rank higher than if users watch a 2 minute video. If your video is 1 hour and people watch it, you get even more bonus points.

As long as your content is good it doesn't matter how long it is. Actually, if people are watching, longer is better.

# Tip 8 . Video Description

The description is an important one here is what you should always include:

Include your main keyword 3-4 times without being spammy. Make it sound natural.
Include first keyword at the very beginning.
Put your link or CTA at the top of the video to get the most clicks.

You could also put your entire transcript in the description. This will help you rank for long tail keywords and give YouTube a solid understanding of what your video is about.
Image result for video annotations tips For more info about video optimization visit

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